Monday, November 2, 2009

Thank you, Multiculturalism.

Iraqi woman, 20, dies; police in Arizona say father ran her over

November 2, 2009 7:59 p.m. EST
Noor Faleh Almaleki moved with her family to the U.S. from Iraq in the mid-1990s, a police spokesman said.
Noor Faleh Almaleki moved with her family to the U.S. from Iraq in the mid-1990s, a police spokesman said.
  • Noor Faleh Almaleki, 20, died in Arizona two weeks after being run over by a car
  • Her father, police say, was angry that she had become "too Westernized"
  • After the incident, the father went to Mexico, then Britain, before being extradited
  • A 43-year-old friend of the daughter also was injured in the incident
Oh, ok. Right. We've been told be the liberal left to 'tolerate other cultures' beliefs and customs, even if they seem a bit odd.

Remember when signs started showing up on stores that were in foreign languages only?; Multi-culturalism.

How about when Sikh kids were bringing ceremonial daggers to school?; Multiculturalism

Graduation ceremonies in six different languages? Mustn't offend......Multiculturalism

And those creepy-weird arranged marriages you hear about.

Now, we have a woman murdered at the hands of own father. And it's not his fault. It's ours. Truly our fault.

We as Americans, have allowed bizarre, perverted, and now deadly rituals and primitive, cave-man cultures to not only survive, but to flourish in our country. This will not be the last of this. There will be more and more as we sweep immigration issues under the rug. (is there any more room under the rug, by the way?)

We've known for decades, if not longer, about so-called 'honor-killings' and other types of cultural violence brought to our shores by the third world. Why wasn't this man educated (re-educated) in American customs, laws, and what our national expectations are?, i.e.; 'Sir, rule #1 in America is you're not allowed to blow us up. #2 is you can't murder your kid here. We're not 'down with that'.

No,no. Mustn't infect those ancient and exotic cultures with our stupid Walmart, Double-cheese burgers and oh yeah, ...those wimpy western laws preventing fratricide.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Homegrown Islamic Radicalism in the US

Feds: Leader of radical Islam group killed in raid

"...DETROIT – A man described as a leader of a radical Sunni Islam group in the U.S. was fatally shot Wednesday afternoon while resisting arrest and exchanging gunfire with federal agents, authorities said.

Agents at a warehouse in Dearborn were trying to arrest Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, on charges that included conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms. Ten followers listed in a criminal complaint were also being rounded up in the area.

Abdullah refused to surrender, fired a weapon and was killed by gunfire from agents, FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said.

In a court filing, the FBI said Abdullah, also known as Christopher Thomas, was an imam, or prayer leader, of a radical group named Ummah whose primary mission is to establish an Islamic state within the United States...."

.....and this is where I stopped reading. I KNEW that the guy was black, and that he converted to islam in prison.

and sure enough:
"Leone said members of the national group mostly are black and some converted to Islam while in prisons across the United States.

"Abdullah preaches that every Muslim should have a weapon, and should not be scared to use their weapon when needed," Leone wrote.

It was not immediately clear how many of the other 10 suspects were in custody.

The group believes that a separate Islamic state in the U.S. would be controlled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown, who is serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Colorado for shooting two police officers in Georgia in 2000, Leone said. Al-Amin, a veteran of the black power movement, started the group after he converted to Islam in prison.

A Conservative now against the Afghan War

Dear Congressman Gallegly-

I write you today with a heavy heart.

For all of my life, I believed that my government generally made decisions based upon what was good for my country and it's citizens. I also believed that the United States was clear in its mission of promoting democracy, the rule of the law, and the value of the individual.

World War II began (for the United Stated) and ended in five years. Never was there more clear a case for war, in the face of Nazism. Our mission was defined, executed, and completed with a resolute certainty. Hitler would be defeated, and the world a better place for it.

I am a Republican, and have voted in every election since I was eighteen. I have always regarded the privilege of voting as an obligation to those who fought and died before my time. I voted GOP in the last two elections. I supported my country's actions in the middle east.

This support is now gone. I see no end in sight to this war in Afghanistan, no objective, no benefit to either the United States nor Afghanistan. History tells us that freedom must first be desired, then fought for to have value. Freedom bestowed upon another is nothing more than another CARE package bought and paid for by others, then dropped from somewhere above. Believe me, I am no anti-war zealot who does not recognize a threat when I see it. I am no appeaser.

This low-burn war in Afghanistan is already three years older than World War II, yet I see no value in further investment.

One day, Sir, I will be coming to you for an endorsement on behalf of one or both of my children when they apply to the Air Force Academy or West Point. Yet how can I send my blood and treasure to my government when I see no point in what my country is doing overseas?

I urge you to vote against further funding earmarked for the Afghanistan war, unless we do it right: overwhelming force, clear objectives, lasting impact, tangible results. But after eight years, and with this new President, I doubt we have the courage.

Best regards,
---- - --------

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Time for this one again.....

Who's John Ashcroft, again?


" The pharmacy college graduate student charged with plotting to kill U.S. soldiers in Iraq and shoppers in American malls was thwarted -- along with two other co-conspirators -- when he was unable to get into terror camps for training and failed to get access to automatic weapons.

Tarek Mehanna, 27, of Sudbury, Mass., got rebellious in court Wednesday, refusing to stand for the judge and at one point throwing his chair.

FBI officials said Mehanna worked with others from 2001 to May of 2008 in a conspiracy to "kill, kidnap, main or injure" people in foreign countries, and to kill prominent U.S. politicians. Terror plots to attack U.S. shopping malls and U.S. military in Iraq were also in the works, officials said..."

Americans have collective A.D.D.

The reason these plots to kill Americans, in America, keep getting foiled is precisely due to the Patriot Act and FISA. Remember those? Remember all the sniping and shrieking coming from the left a few years ago , about how John Ashcroft and Shrub von HitlerBurton were going to round us all up and have us work for the Illuminati? Remember when Code Pink, and the ACLU called Ashcroft the terrorist?

Well, here we are only a few short years later actually applying the tools to catch real ISLAMIC terrorists in our country, but no one wants to look in the rear view mirror of 9/11 and recognize those who made this work successful. Specifically, John Ashcroft put into place administrative weapons that are now bearing fruit, and we should be thanking him.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Simple Math...

Najibullah Zazi.."suspected' terrorist
found with a room full of bomb building materials and Al-Qaeada literature.:


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Little Green Footballs hates Beck/Loves his advertising $$'s

Here is Charles Johnson's attack post on Glen Beck:

Wehner: Glenn Beck Harms the Conservative Movement

Opinion | Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 1:16:42 pm PDT

Commentary’s Peter Wehner agrees with me: Glenn Beck: Harmful to the Conservative Movement.

Also see:
About Glenn Beck’s Extremist Rhetoric
About Glenn Beck’s Extremist Rhetoric, Part 2

...and right next to Charles' headline, is an ad that Beck's publishing company paid for on LGF

Monday, September 21, 2009

Football derails Train. The Iron fist of Tolerance at LGF

Little Green Footballs en route to its destination of profound mediocrity:

I remember when Charles Johnson over at LGF (Little Green Footballs) performed some very valuable work. The photo-shopped Iranian missiles, the phot-shopped Israel-Hezbollah war, the Palestinian ambulance incident (my personal favorite), Green Helmet Guy and many more. LGF did great work, (although not the first) on busting Mike Wallace on the bogus Bush national guard letter, which supposedly de-famed Bush's NG service.

All good things.

Like many good things, they are coming to the end. And in Charles Johnson's case, a very schizophrenic and addle-pated end, as his relevancy evaporates into the mid-day sun.

Obsessed with even the slightest mirage-like vapor of anything even resembling racism, Charles now goes berserk. Chat-room fights among his own readers and himself, insulting the Tea Party groups as 'fringe' and 'lunatics', and lately referring to Rush Limbaugh as a race-baiter. I guess Charles doesn't listen to JC Watts (a black man) when he fills in for Rush. Is Rush 'race-baiting', in between singing the praises of America's greatest conservative jurist; (Clarence Thomas)?

Asking this very question of CJ, in a pointed manner to the LGF board, my comment was promptly deleted and my account canceled. Ok, no big deal. It's his site. But what is sad is to witness is the intellectual laziness. He didn't even listen to Rush. I rarely listen to Rush, yet it was clear as day that he was being facetious and ironic in the monologue that the newly self-proclaimed racism Czar
Charles Johnson declared as 'race-baiting' and 'disgusting'. Well Charles, that's your opinion. Wrong, slack-minded, but an opinion nonetheless.

And even more bizarrely, Charles declared the recession as having 'bottomed out'. What? 13% unemployment in California alone with another year of job losses predicted, and he says 'bottomed out'?.

Adios, Charles. I think the pointy end of your little green ball his smacked you in the temple.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Peace and Love at 1600 Penn. Ave.

Obama invited Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Cambridge, Mass., police Sgt. James Crowley to join him for a beer in hopes of quieting the furor over the president's comment that in taking Gates into custody police had "acted stupidly."

The only stupid person here is our Magic President. He told us during the he 'would not focus on color', that we had 'moved beyond the politics of race'.

What a moron. Hey dummy, when you're in a hole, stop digging.

Friday, July 24, 2009


This illustrates what the Obama administration inadvertently but constantly reveals..not just that we are spiraling toward socialism, but that "white" people have moved beyond race where "people of color" have not. His election is the first and most profound indicator of this, and his comments off teleprompter just continually reaffirm this. The fact is, most white people could not care less about color. However, many black people, along with an enabling media, are so invested in racism that it has become how they identify their lives. The racial pendulum has shifted. When black leaders have made racism their business, it is not in their best interest to recognize that we have all basically moved beyond it. Gates is invested in the historical victimization of his ancestors. To be fair, the most important advances have only come since 1964 and he has memory of real racism, but black "scholars" like Gates have too much personal investment in being blind to progress, not blind to color. He is a black racist, and so is Obama.

This professor* wasn't arrested in his home, he was arrested outside because he was following the police officer around yelling in his ear like a drill sergeant to a ensign in the military. For those of you that think this is normal behavior, you too can expect to be arrested next time you try harassing an officer. Obama can't apologize because he is an egomaniac. What we have here is a Southside Chicago street agitator trying to play with the big boys and there's obvious difficulty making the transition to the more reputable position of President. See what happens when you let a hack do a man's job, especially when you know not from where he comes.

"..."But I think it's fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry," Obama said. "No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. And No. 3 -- what I think we know separate and apart from this incident -- is that there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that's just a fact."

Really, Barry?

And how would you know this? I'm the same age as you, and I grew up post-civil rights era, same as you. I never saw a black man lynched or harassed. What I do remember is going to two high schools where blacks were totally accepted. I remember Arnie Jackson, one of two black kids in a high school of 1700 whites. We ran on the track team together. Arnie had an awesome stride and we told him so all the time. Calvin Lightner was a black kid on my basketball team. I don't recall him being hauled up a burning cross.

Barry, you and your buddy Skippy Gates live in the 1950's. You NEED Jim Crowe and racism to justify your set-asides and quota programs, you need racism to justify your very existence. Why, without racism in your hip pocket you two would run out of excuses for your ridiculous statements. I've got news for you- america is bored with you, Skip Gates, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all the rest of the race-hustling poverty-pimps out there.

And in fact it's you, Barry Hussein, who is the racist. We know this by your statement above. You are obsessed with race, or you never would have brought it up
at the press conference where you yourself admitted you didn't know the facts. You just divined what the police officer's motives were. You assumed your friend, black and educated*, was automatically correct simply because he's black, the cop is white, and by golly white cops just naturally harass black teachers.

Barry, you need a lot of the sensitivity training we've had to endure for 40 years.

And by the grace of God we hope we'll have to endure you for only three.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

California bans fire.

That's correct. Fire has been banned.

You pay thousands to live here. You work hard. On the rare cold day in southern California (hopefully around Winter Solstice time-----can't say 'Christmas'---might offend) you decide to light a couple of pine logs in the fireplace and enjoy a glass of red wine....possibly a (gasp) cigar. All is good.

A month later, you open a letter from some government agency. It announces a monetary fine. You owe x amount of dollars to the State.............for burning wood.
Fines will run as high as $500 per violation.

One Redlands woman at the hearing described coughing and "expectorating" every evening on a regular walk through her neighborhood when wood fires are burning.
Colleen Callahan of the American Lung Assn.'s Los Angeles office argued unsuccessfully that the board should restore the measure.

"When a potential homeowner is seeking to purchase a home, they're not going to say 'Where's the wood?' They're going to say where's the clean air in Southern California,' " she said.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

All Flash, No Class

The more I see of this media-selected President, the more I despise him.

If you're going to through your dirty feet up on the desk, at least have the common sense to not allow photos to be taken, you fool. It's becoming harder and harder to cut this rube any slack at all. While it's a minor thing (maybe), should not the ONE PLACE you WOULDN'T throw your feet up be the Oval Office?

Barry Hussein, in full 'whatever, it's just an office' repose in the seat of power:

Ronald Reagan, with full respect for the seat of power:


Monday, June 1, 2009

Another Muslim Convert on a Jihad

We will now be recording any and all stories that involve Muslim attacks in America.

An Arkansas man was arrested Monday in connection with a shooting at a Little Rock military recruiting center that killed one soldier and wounded another, authorities said.

Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad -- a 24-year-old Little Rock resident formerly known as Carlos Bledsoe -- faces a first-degree murder charge and 15 counts of engaging in a terrorist act, Little Rock Police Chief Stuart Thomas said. The terrorist counts stem from the shots fired at an occupied building.

The soldier who was killed was identified as Pvt. William Long, 24, of Conway, and the wounded soldier is Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula, 18, of Jacksonville, Thomas said.

Ezeagwula is in stable condition and expected to recover, the police chief said.

Although military officials initially believed that the shooting was a random act, Thomas said police think the shooter acted alone "with the specific purpose of targeting military personnel."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

California high court upholds gay marriage ban

The face of 'tolerance' and 'diversity'....

So now the 'we shall overcome' moaning begins. The California Supreme court realized that when the People speak twice in two separate ballot initiatives,(Prop 22 in 2000and now Prop 8) the People are to be heard and their voice recognized. Many California voters were confused by Prop 8 and thought that Prop 8 actually promoted gay marriage. Analysts predict that 8 actually passed by ten percentage points.

The validation of Proposition 8, the ballot measure that effectively bans gay marriage (but has no effect on civil unions) is precisely why gay activists went judge-shopping in Massachusetts years ago. They knew the only way they could crow-bar their way into the law was to find gay-friendly, activist judges. That way, if the voters later got a measure on the ballot where everyone could vote, and if that vote would invalidate gay marriage, the activists could claim their rights were being stripped away. It's the classic case of the thief claiming his ill-gotten gains have been stolen by another thief.

Tolerance in action....peaceful gays spit on and threaten to attack maniacal conservative on bicycle....

I'm really quite weary of the 'equal rights for all' canard. There is no right to marry, gay or otherwise. Marriage is a quasi-religious ceremony later folded into legal and civic proceedings for purposes of property claims, family law, etc. Gays have no more right to marry each other than I do my goldfish, and the industry of manufactured victim status needs to be bankrupted. Gays in America in 2009 are in no way an oppressed class and we all should reject this claim at every opportunity. Some gays liken themselves to Holocaust victims, claiming they're no different, a grotesque inversion of reality, where gays are not only tolerated (at one time, their only stated goal) but widely accepted into American society, with television shows, (Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Ellen, Boy meets Boy, etc. etc.)

In the Prop 8 ruling, nothing was 'taken away' that was already in existence. In fact, 18,000 gay marriages were left intact, as the court did not want to cause further disruption.

Maybe someday, gay marriage will be a reality. I don't know why it's so important, since gays have a higher divorce/ annulment rate than straight couples do, and they cannot have children unless they adopt or create them through artificial means. To me as a straight, married male, gay marriage is just another case of a minority group imposing their will on an unwilling majority that rejects intimidation and slander. We will not accept the label of 'haters' . We don't hate anyone, but we do not want to be forced, Massachusetts style, to accept something as polarizing as gay marriage at the hands of a few selected judges with their own agendas.

That is not democracy, only judicial tyranny at its worst.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

"The FBI said the Muslim suspects were angry and full of hate for America."

"Four New York men were arrested Wednesday in connection with an alleged plot to blow up area Jewish centers and military targets. The plot, however, was foiled by undercover agents."

"According to the criminal complaint, Cromitie said "I hate those f-ing Jewish bastards." He bragged that it would be a "piece of cake" to bomb a Jewish Center in Riverdale, according to the complaint."

Looks like the local ROPER's (Religion Of Peace) were planning a little demolition party.

Meanwhile, B.O. is running around the Muslim world, apologizing for Abu Ghraib (dastardly frat pranks) and Guantanamo (muslim diet, free Koran). Who will he apologize to when one of these terror attacks succeeds? It better be Dick Cheney and John Ashcroft, whose names he dragged through the mud for eight years.

When, do you think, we will get it that while we may "not be at war with Islam", Islam is at war with us?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Barry's U-turn on Gitmo

We suspect Dick Cheney had a private 'come to Jesus' phone call with HippityHope
informing him of the reason it's called GITMO is because our techniques actually work to git' mo' information out of Hajji.

President Barack Obama said Friday he would reform and restart the military tribunals he once reviled for Guantanamo Bay detainees, jeopardizing his timetable for closing the prison by January and dismaying many supporters who suggested he was going back on campaign promises.

Now, after the detainees are given stronger legal protections — a ban on evidence obtained under cruel duress, for example — the trials of 13 defendants in nine cases will be restarted no sooner than September. Five of the of the 13 are charged with helping orchestrate the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Hey Barry, welcome to the real world. We know you're so magnetic, but believe it or not, some people aren't interested in negotiating. They're interested in murdering us.

This week's Dr.Strangelove clip:

A Mutiny of Preverts....

Newt on Pelosi (audio)

Newt Gingrich, regardless of how much the MSM insists on assassinating his character, sounds the alarm here, both about the danger of diminishing our posture against terrorists and about the utter disgrace that Nancy Pelosi is. She has lied about her knowledge of CIA briefings, spent 8 years comparing Bush to Hitler, bashing her own country, insulting those in uniform, and thoroughly debasing the office she so unfortunately occupies.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Don't Stand So Close To Me

Check out President Tennis Match as he trys to get out of frame with the Sea Hag.
She tried to throw the CIA under the bus, when she said she 'was never told about waterboarding'. Oops. Turns out the CIA spooks keep really good meeting minutes. The Old Lying Democrat was not only told about waterboarding, she attended the meetings.
But ultimately, why should we care? Waterboarding does no permanent damage, and is therefore not torture. Beyond that, so what?..they're terrorists, not soldiers in an army and deserve no such quarter anyway. Read the Geneva convention language on treatment of captured soldiers, it clearly defines rules as being applicable to soldiers in uniform.
Barry ought to know this, since we were told by Oprah' he is brilliant'.
Someone important appears not to be telling the truth about her knowledge of the CIA's use of enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs). That someone is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The political persecution of Bush administration officials she has been pushing may now ensnare her.
Here's what we know. On Sept. 4, 2002, less than a year after 9/11, the CIA briefed Rep. Porter Goss, then House Intelligence Committee chairman, and Mrs. Pelosi, then the committee's ranking Democrat, on EITs including waterboarding. They were the first members of Congress to be informed.

In December 2007, Mrs. Pelosi admitted that she attended the briefing, but she wouldn't comment for the record about precisely what she was told. At the time the Washington Post spoke with a "congressional source familiar with Pelosi's position on the matter" and summarized that person's comments this way: "The source said Pelosi recalls that techniques described by the CIA were still in the planning stage -- they had been designed and cleared with agency lawyers but not yet put in practice -- and acknowledged that Pelosi did not raise objections at the time."

When questions were raised last month about these statements, Mrs. Pelosi insisted at a news conference that "We were not -- I repeat -- were not told that waterboarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used." Mrs. Pelosi also claimed that the CIA "did not tell us they were using that, flat out. And any, any contention to the contrary is simply not true." She had earlier said on TV, "I can say flat-out, they never told us that these enhanced interrogations were being used."
The Obama administration's CIA director, Leon Panetta, and Mr. Goss have both disputed Mrs. Pelosi's account.

In a report to Congress on May 5, Mr. Panetta described the CIA's 2002 meeting with Mrs. Pelosi as "Briefing on EITs including use of EITs on Abu Zubaydah, background on [legal] authorities, and a description of the particular EITs that had been employed." Note the past tense -- "had been employed."

Mr. Goss says he and Mrs. Pelosi were told at the 2002 briefing about the use of the EITs and "on a bipartisan basis, we asked if the CIA needed more support from Congress to carry out its mission." He is backed by CIA sources who say Mr. Goss and Mrs. Pelosi "questioned whether we were doing enough" to extract information.

We also know that Michael Sheehy, then Mrs. Pelosi's top aide on the Intelligence Committee and later her national security adviser, not only attended the September 2002 meeting but was also briefed by the CIA on EITs on Feb. 5, 2003, and told about a videotape of Zubaydah being waterboarded. Mr. Sheehy was almost certain to have told Mrs. Pelosi. He has not commented publicly about the 2002 or the 2003 meetings.
So is the speaker of the House lying about what she knew and when? And, if so, what will Democrats do about it?

If Mrs. Pelosi considers the enhanced interrogation techniques to be torture, didn't she have a responsibility to complain at the time, introduce legislation to end the practices, or attempt to deny funding for the CIA's use of them? If she knew what was going on and did nothing, does that make her an accessory to a crime of torture, as many Democrats are calling enhanced interrogation?

Senate Judiciary Chairman Pat Leahy wants an independent investigation of Bush administration officials. House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers feels the Justice Department should investigate and prosecute anyone who violated laws against committing torture. Are these and other similarly minded Democrats willing to have Mrs. Pelosi thrown into their stew of torture conspirators as an accomplice?

It is clear that after the 9/11 attacks Mrs. Pelosi was briefed on enhanced interrogation techniques and the valuable information they produced. She not only agreed with what was being done, she apparently pressed the CIA to do more.
But when political winds shifted, Mrs. Pelosi seems to have decided to use enhanced interrogation as an issue to attack Republicans. It is disgraceful that Democrats who discovered their outrage years after the fact are now braying for disbarment of the government lawyers who justified EITs and the prosecution of Bush administration officials who authorized them. Mrs. Pelosi is hip-deep in dangerous waters, and they are rapidly rising"

Saturday, May 2, 2009

You're no Jackie Onassis, Mike.

Don't kid yourself, Mitch . You walk like a bow-legged wide receiver with bad knees and size 13's.

Michelle Hopenchange, we all know you're the media darling, fawned over for the slightest morsel of insight to what your favorite color is, whether or not you like tiger or zebra stripes for the new upholstery, and if you prefer Fiddy Cent over Puff Daddy. Yeah. Thanks. We get that. But no matter how much of our tax dollars you spend on garish clothing and bling , you still paint the picture of a malcontented oaf out of place in a setting that requires understated confidence and social decorum (at least until the President Dress-Stainer showed up in '92).

Frankly Mike, I'm embarrassed to even acknowledge that you're residing in the seat of power of the free world. It's not that you're Black (who cares?)'s just that you represent the Sista Souljah element of the Black community. You exude a latent pissed-offedness through every pore, especially the ones around your witch-like eyebrows. I'll bet Barry spends a lot of time on the couch when your pork skins don't show up on time. You like snappin' those clawed fingers for maid service, do you? Payback time, ain' it?

As a little reminder of what class used to look like before you came clomping down the red carpet, take a look at what real grace, real beauty is. And no matter how much you try, you will never get there.

Classic Beauty:

An a**-load of Booty:

See Mitch, Jackie Kennedy actually looks like a woman:

And then there's you:

Probably the ugliest legs we've ever seen: ....ugh...try shaving those stumps.

Even this old man looks better than you:

But you will never have the grace this woman had. So spare us all with the comparisons.

The nightmare never ends---June 9, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009


From 1919:

In sixteen months the “Spanish Flu” as it was termed by some had whipped around the world killing some twenty to forty million worldwide. More died in those months than during the four years of the Bubonic Plague (1347-1351). Overall the United States was the least affected with some 675,000 deaths. The biological origins of the flu may have been from birds, transmitted to pigs, and as it mutated to humans. It was the most devastating epidemic in recorded history and depressed life expectancy in the United States by ten years. With the close of the war in Europe and the transition to the roaring twenties those who survived tried to move on. The impact was hard to measure at the time but the destabilization in Spain with the death of the King was the precursor to events that would contribute to the unthinkable Second Great War.Read more: "The 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic: A Devastating Epidemic" -

From 2009:

"Ominous developments Monday in the swine flu epidemic — a jump to 149 deaths and more signs that the virus can jump repeatedly from human to human — prompted the World Health Organization to raise its pandemic alert level, and governments around the world were taking tougher measures.
The virus has already spread to at least a half-dozen countries and half of Mexico. Trying to eliminate crowds, the Mexican government canceled school nationwide and considered closing the capital's subway system. Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova said 20 deaths have been confirmed to be from swine flu and test results were pending on the others.
"We are the most critical moment of the epidemic. The number of cases will keep rising so we have to reinforce preventive measures."

...................and no mention of closing the borders from our PC politicians.

Ok, take off your bumper sticker.

What is with all the Obama freaks?
They got their way and now we've got the worst President since Jimmy Carter, but they keep their stupid 'Hope' stickers on their Priuses.

Is this some kind of double-secret affirmation that Mr. Hussein won the election? Or is it " I'm in the cool club, and I want you to know I was sooooo smart that I picked the winning horse". What is it about one black man's complete naiivete and global appeasement that appeals to these people?

It makes me want to go on Ebay and buy a 'Reagan-'80 ' sticker. At least that old guy had actually run a state before.
