Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Who's John Ashcroft, again?


" The pharmacy college graduate student charged with plotting to kill U.S. soldiers in Iraq and shoppers in American malls was thwarted -- along with two other co-conspirators -- when he was unable to get into terror camps for training and failed to get access to automatic weapons.

Tarek Mehanna, 27, of Sudbury, Mass., got rebellious in court Wednesday, refusing to stand for the judge and at one point throwing his chair.

FBI officials said Mehanna worked with others from 2001 to May of 2008 in a conspiracy to "kill, kidnap, main or injure" people in foreign countries, and to kill prominent U.S. politicians. Terror plots to attack U.S. shopping malls and U.S. military in Iraq were also in the works, officials said..."

Americans have collective A.D.D.

The reason these plots to kill Americans, in America, keep getting foiled is precisely due to the Patriot Act and FISA. Remember those? Remember all the sniping and shrieking coming from the left a few years ago , about how John Ashcroft and Shrub von HitlerBurton were going to round us all up and have us work for the Illuminati? Remember when Code Pink, and the ACLU called Ashcroft the terrorist?

Well, here we are only a few short years later actually applying the tools to catch real ISLAMIC terrorists in our country, but no one wants to look in the rear view mirror of 9/11 and recognize those who made this work successful. Specifically, John Ashcroft put into place administrative weapons that are now bearing fruit, and we should be thanking him.


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